“Where the blue of the sea meets the sky”

Water and skyThe art of diving is not to do anything new but simply to cease doing something. You have only to let yourself go….It is only necessary….to abandon all efforts at self-preservation.

C.S. Lewis, The Pilgrim’s Regress, as quoted in Standing at Water’s Edge: Moving Past Fear, Blocks, and Pitfalls to Discover the Power of Creative Immersion, by Anne Paris

Many thanks to Lynne Favreau, who recommended Standing at Water’s Edge by Anne Paris, a fabulous book about creative immersion. Now it sits on the top shelf of my writing bookcase.

Watching the movie Goodbye First Love, I encountered The Water, by Johnny Flynn, a beautiful companion song to this sentiment.   The water sustains me without even tryin’….

Blog post title quote from “The Water,” by Johnny Flynn.

5 thoughts on ““Where the blue of the sea meets the sky””

  1. I’ve never thought of that magical place between sea and sky as a threshold before. Valorie, your image fits so well with Lewis’ words.

    Although he wrote ‘The Pilgrim’s Regress’ many years before he met his wife Joy Davidman, when I read the quotation I thought of his relationship with her, and how he must have hesitated before ‘diving’ into love with her. Have you seen the biographical ‘Shadowlands’ with Anthony Hopkins and Debra Winger? It is such a moving story of their years together.

    1. It has been a long time since I saw that movie, I’d forgotten about it, and I remember it was so sad and very well done. Their relationship was fascinating. Thanks for reminding us about this, Amy Lynn.

  2. Sounds like just the sort of book I need right now and the quote from one of my favorite authors is an extra nudge to go forth and look it up. Thanks for posting!

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