The Stone Boudoir

The Stone Boudoir book cover
The Stone Boudoir, by Theresa Maggio.


My pictures. Her words.


“I was on a mission: to find the smallest mountain towns in Sicily. Tiny jewels, remote and isolated, these are places tourists seldom see. But they are the island’s hidden treasure and the secret spring of Sicilian endurance.”



Two men walking
“Maybe I am so drawn to Sicily because I am half Sicilian and the island is hard-wired into my genes.”



Window with curtains
“‘I’m looking for a room,’ I said. ‘You have the face of a paesana, a countrywoman,’ she said. My grandparents’ gift to me, I thought. She was sure she recognized me from somewhere.”



Deep fried artichoke on a plate
“…there used to be a dark bottega that smelled of salami and strawberries….the owner once invented a panino, a little sandwich, just for me: pecorino cheese, pickled peppers, capers, and fresh tomatoes on fragrant yellow bread, chewy as steak and smeared with olive oil. He wouldn’t let me pay.”



Procession in church
“Men who pulled her all night touched their hankies to the saint. I stared at her back as she floated above our heads down the cathedral’s nave, slowly, like a Norman queen under the pointed Arab arches….She was glorious. An amazing silence fell in the half-filled church.”



Water in stone fountain
“These mountains make water,” he said.



Sea, beach, sky
“This island was deadly beautiful, very old, most powerful and strange.”


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